Equally Well UK – Cancer and Severe Mental Illness
Improving outcomes for people living with severe mental illness and cancer Date: Thursday 27th March 2025Time: 12pm – 1pmDelivered: Virtually (Joining details will be sent upon sign up) Equally Well UK would like to invite you to an online event with South East London Cancer Alliance (SELCA), Health Innovation Network (HIN) and Dr Laura Charlesworth
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Cost-of-living crisis has cast a long shadow over people with mental health problems, says Centre for Mental Health
The cost-of-living crisis has had a devastating impact, with people living with mental health problems and in the deepest poverty among the most affected.
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Equally Well UK – Physical Health Checks
Improving outcomes for Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic communities Date: Thursday 26th September 2024Time: 12pm – 1pmDelivered: Virtually via MS Teams Equally Well UK would like to invite you to an online event with Race Equality Foundation on Thursday 26th September 2024 about the inequalities and barriers that Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic people living with severe mental illness
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The severity of food insecurity among people with a mental illness
Andy Bell explains how tackling food insecurity is integral to reducing the life expectancy gap for people living with severe mental illness.
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Proposed changes to Personal Independence Payment would harm people with mental health difficulties, says Centre for Mental Health
Government plans to restrict people’s entitlements to disability benefits will only put people at risk while doing nothing to boost economic activity.
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Equally Well UK – Don’t just screen, intervene
Improving Physical Health Services in UK’s Mental Healthcare Date: Friday 21st June 2024Time: 11:00am – 12:00pmDelivered: Virtually via MS Teams Equally Well UK would like to invite you to an online event on Friday 21st June 2024 on physical activity and exercise for improving metabolic health and recovery in people with mental illnesses. In this
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Living a healthy life at Cygnet
How Well Persons Clinics, co-production and scenario based education can have a positive impact. Date: Monday 12th February 2024Time: 12:00 – 13:15Delivered: Virtually via MS Teams Equally Well UK are delighted to invite you to our first webinar of 2024 with our members Cygnet. Cygnethave developed a wide range of health and social care services
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A sermon that no one will hear? The clarion call to act urgently on men’s mental health
Our Writer in Residence, Andrew K Kauffmann draws attention to the complexities that are often overlooked when talking about men’s mental health.
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Clinical psychology in GP surgeries improves care and should be more widely available, says new report
Our report explores the benefits of providing clinical psychologists in GP surgeries and communities
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Equally Well UK welcomes Professor Wendy Burn as the new Clinical Group Chair
Our collaboration working towards equal physical health for people with a severe mental illness has appointed a new Clinical Group Chair
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