Briefing 60: ‘It feels like being seen’
How can local authorities know if their mental health services are working well?
Type: Publication
Briefing 57: Better together
A public health model for mentally healthier integrated care systems
Type: Publication
The Health and Care Bill: what does it mean for mental health?
Andy analyses the Government’s new health care legislation and unpacks the implications for mental health services
Type: Blog
Mental health and primary care networks
Primary care networks could be a key opportunity to make badly needed improvements to mental health support in primary care
Type: Publication
Supporting mental health in communities during the coronavirus crisis
How statutory services are working with their VCS partners to respond to the coronavirus crisis
Type: Publication
Briefing 55: Integrated Care Systems and mental health
How could Integrated Care systems bring about significant and lasting improvement for people’s mental health?
Type: Publication
Commissioning liaison psychiatry services
We explore the challenges faced by commissioners, and how their views compare with staff on the ground
Type: Publication
Economic theories relevant to public service provision (Part 2)
How can insights from economics help make decisions about mental health services?
Type: Publication
A new approach to complex needs
Could the NHS better support people with persistent physical symptoms of illness in primary care?
Type: Publication
Arm in arm
The relationships between statutory and voluntary sector mental health organisations
Type: Publication