More than the sum of our parts
This report explores how collaboration between local stakeholders can lead to more effective and equitable support for people living with a mental illness.
Type: Publication
A working partnership
The development of integrated mental health services involves staff from both the NHS and VCS working together as part of the same team. Here’s our best practice guide to making partnerships work, for a more relevant, holistic and effective service.
Type: Publication
A lifeline for London
How mental health services in the voluntary sector worked during the pandemic
Type: Publication
How mental health charities are responding to Covid-19
A short briefing summarising how 17 national mental health organisations have been working together to respond to the Covid-19 crisis
Type: Publication
Keeping our workforce well: Supporting the VCSE mental health sector
Sarah Hughes and Kathy Roberts on the way voluntary sector workers’ needs have been overlooked despite experiencing similar traumas and anxieties to those in statutory services
Type: Blog
Supporting mental health in communities during the coronavirus crisis
How statutory services are working with their VCS partners to respond to the coronavirus crisis
Type: Publication
‘You are here, you are visible’: mental health inequalities and community strengths
Louis reflects on hearing first-hand about what can promote good mental health in different communities across Manchester
Type: Blog
Arm in arm
The relationships between statutory and voluntary sector mental health organisations
Type: Publication
In plain sight
Workplace bullying in charities and the implications for leadership
Type: Publication