The home front: connecting housing and mental health
Andy Bell highlights the steps taken by some NHS mental health trusts to address the link between housing, homelessness and mental ill health.
Type: Blog
Putting prevention of mental ill health on the political agenda
Bethan assesses how mental health can be improved, if we pay more attention to the wider social and environmental determinants of mental health.
Type: Blog
Briefing 61: Social needs among people living with mental health difficulties
How can mental health services better meet the social needs of people living with mental health difficulties?
Type: Publication
No health without housing: why supported housing is at the heart of integrated mental health care
The establishment of Integrated Care Boards provides an opportunity to look again at how we might bring housing and health services together. Peter Molyneux explains how
Type: Blog
Mental health and housing
Supported housing services provide a bridge to independent living after hospital, and can both improve people’s lives and reduce the costs of mental health care
Type: Publication
There’s no place like home: housing and mental health
Mark looks at the toxic cycle between poor housing and mental health difficulties
Type: Page
Housing and the Mental Health Act: a ‘duty of care’
Cllr Andrew Gordon highlights the negative impact that being detained under the Mental Health Act can have on someone’s housing situation
Type: Blog
Housing First: helping people experiencing poor mental health to find stability
Jo Prestidge from Homeless Link blogs on the increasingly popular social innovation
Type: Blog
More than shelter
Having somewhere to live in which we feel secure is essential to our physical and mental health.
Type: Publication
A basic need: affordable housing and mental health
Ian Bradshaw looks at our report highlighting the positive impact supported housing can have on the lives of people living with serious mental illness
Type: Blog