Covid-19 and the nation’s mental health
This report explores the impacts of Covid-19 and how the pandemic has affected mental health services in the UK, four years on.
Type: Publication
Bereavement is everyone’s business
Andy explains how the Centre worked with the UK Commission on Bereavement to understand the complex interplay between grief and mental health
Type: Blog
Reaching inland
Reflections on the A Year in Our Lives stories about living through Covid-19
Type: Publication
A Year in Our Lives: An anthology
Read the collection of accounts submitted to our collective archive of experiences of the pandemic’s impact on our mental health
Type: Publication
How do we protect mental health as Covid restrictions are removed?
Andy argues that the removal of Covid-19 restrictions has implications for our mental health which must be considered alongside those for our physical health and safety
Type: Blog
Don’t leave me this way: what we can learn about grief and bereavement from the AIDS pandemic
For David, LGBTQ+ History Month is an opportunity for us to reflect on what we can learn from AIDS in the ’80s to prepare us for the next phase of the COVID pandemic
Type: Blog
Student Space
An evaluation of a web-based intervention supporting student mental wellbeing over the pandemic
Type: Publication
Mind over matter: How I’ve looked after my wellbeing during lockdown in prison
Ricky shares how motivation, routine, targets and talking to others has helped him through lockdown in prison
Type: Blog
A lifeline for London
How mental health services in the voluntary sector worked during the pandemic
Type: Publication
Mental health and Covid-19: it’s not all over
Andy explains why we need to plan now for some of the biggest mental health impacts of the pandemic which are still to come
Type: Blog