Topic: Economics

Economic analysis is often at the heart of our work, demonstrating the human and financial costs of mental health problems and the clear benefits of faster and better responses to people’s needs.

Just living and coping

This report outlines the significant impact the cost-of-living crisis has had on people with mental health problems.

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The economic and social costs of mental ill health

This report finds that mental ill health costs England £300 billion a year. This equates to double the entire NHS budget and is comparable, economically, to having a pandemic every year.  

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Universal basic income: myths, money and mental health

Economist Frederico Cardoso explains the difference a universal basic income could make to people’s mental health, financial concerns and quality of life

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Time for action

This report with the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition explores how we can end the postcode lottery in mental health support for children and young people through strategic investment

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Now or never

We’ve set out 10 key areas where mental health services need investment to meet the growing levels of need

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Mental health and housing

Supported housing services provide a bridge to independent living after hospital, and can both improve people’s lives and reduce the costs of mental health care

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Covid-19 and the nation’s mental health: October 2020

Our third forecasting briefing predicts how many people may need mental health support as a result of the pandemic

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A Spending Review for wellbeing

Six key proposals for improving mental health in England in the wake of its biggest health crisis for a generation

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Bringing care back home

Evaluating the New Care Models for children and young people’s mental health

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Economic theories relevant to public service provision (Part 2)

How can insights from economics help make decisions about mental health services?

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