Children’s mental health being threatened by mounting financial pressures on families, says Centre for Mental Health report
New research states that financial pressures on parents, overcrowded housing and lack of safe green space can have a negative impact children’s mental health and behaviour.
Type: News
Behaviour and mental health: towards a new approach
Kadra reflects on the current rhetoric around behaviour in schools, and urges those in policy and practice to re-imagine their approach
Type: Blog
Beyond behaviour: tackling restrictive interventions in schools
Kadra looks at the latest evidence behind exclusion, restraint and other restrictive interventions
Type: Blog
School seclusion, restraint and exclusion can increase trauma in children with mental health difficulties, says Centre for Mental Health evidence review
New research explores how restrictive interventions in schools can exacerbate behavioural difficulties among children who have had traumatic experiences
Type: News
Early help for children’s mental health: implications of the Children’s Commissioner’s report
Andy welcomes an increase in funding but highlights the wide variations in investment between local areas
Type: Blog
Children of the millennium
Behavioural problems are the most common form of child mental health difficulty, and can put children at risk of a lifetime of disadvantage
Type: Publication
The lifetime costs of ADHD
The high costs of ADHD support an economic case for early intervention. But despite most families seeking help, only a minority of children receive the appropriate treatment.
Type: Publication
Childhood behavioural problems: briefings for professionals
These briefings set out what childhood behavioural problems are, how to recognise the signs, what can be done, how to engage parents and the referral process.
Type: Publication
The chance of a lifetime
A very high proportion of those who have the most serious conduct problems during childhood will go on to become involved in criminal activity.
Type: Publication