Standing on their shoulders: supporting the mental health of the Stonewall generation, 50 years on
David Woodhead reflects on how we can support the mental health of older LGBT+ people
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We don’t need another ‘hero’: Building mentally healthy LGBT+ leaders
Jim McManus looks at the concept of ‘bringing your whole self to work’ and how we can apply this to supporting LGBT+ leaders
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Are we over-medicalising poverty-related distress?
Felicity Thomas argues that some everyday stresses caused by poverty are increasingly being pathologised
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Understanding inequalities in mental health
Tom looks at the way people’s circumstances shape their experience of mental health problems
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Designing systems for equality
Chair of the Commission for Equality in Mental Health, Liz Sayce, explains the work that’s going on and why they’re aiming to influence systems for equality
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The mental health impacts of divisive policies in schools – learning from the past
David looks back at the damaging impact of Section 28 on young LGBT people, and calls on the system to learn from its past
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Disadvantage and inequality: it’s time to stop ignoring “difficult” mental health challenges
New trustee André Tomlin explains why he’s joining our mission to make mental health equality a reality
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A long way to equality
Norman Lamb MP on some of the recent triumphs and failings of the NHS in mental health
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Commission for Equality in Mental Health
We brought together evidence about a range of inequalities in mental health, and identified what a system for equality would look like
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Breaking the circles of fear
A review of the relationship between mental health services and African and Caribbean communities
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