Advancing change for Black maternal mental health: progress and thoughts so far
This Black Maternal Mental Health Week, Sandra Igwe reflects on the progress made towards better supporting the mental health of Black mothers and outlines the changes that still need to be made.
Type: Blog
Maternal mental health: A briefing for integrated care systems
Integrated care systems can ensure women who need support for their mental health during the perinatal period get the right level of help at the right time, close to home.
Type: Publication
Reaching all mothers – Black maternal mental health
Sandra Igwe looks at the way racial inequalities can affect mothers’ mental health
Type: Blog
A sound investment
How we can address a major gap in maternal mental health support through expanding the workforce, improving training and addressing inequalities
Type: Publication
Increasing access to treatment for common maternal mental health problems could have a net benefit of half a billion pounds
Our analysis finds that integrated service provision could close a major gap in perinatal mental health care and ensure women get timely access to help for their mental health needs
Type: News
Maternal mental health during a pandemic
We conducted a rapid evidence review of the impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of new and expectant mothers, and the support that’s been available during the pandemic
Type: Publication
Life after loss
An economic evaluation which demonstrates the significant benefits of specialist counselling after baby loss
Type: Publication
The grief and trauma beyond statistics: life after baby loss
Alyx reflects on the traumatic experience of losing her baby at full-term, and the impact of specialist baby loss counselling
Type: Blog
Speak up: My experience of mental health nursing
Chief Executive Sarah Hughes wrote for #MHNursingFuture about the impact of a mental health nurse on her recovery from postnatal depression
Type: Blog
Review of the National Childbirth Trust report and GP consultation
We explored the implications of extending health checks for babies to include a consultation about mothers’ wellbeing
Type: Publication