New and expectant mums face increased mental health risks caused by the pandemic
Our new report raises concerns as services supporting women and babies come under strain
Type: News
Specialist baby loss counselling should be available for bereaved parents nationwide, says new Centre for Mental Health report
Our economic evaluation of the baby loss charity Petals, which provides counselling to women
Type: News
The grief and trauma beyond statistics: life after baby loss
Alyx reflects on the traumatic experience of losing her baby at full-term, and the impact of specialist baby loss counselling
Type: Blog
Speak up: My experience of mental health nursing
Chief Executive Sarah Hughes wrote for #MHNursingFuture about the impact of a mental health nurse on her recovery from postnatal depression
Type: Blog
Review of the National Childbirth Trust report and GP consultation
We explored the implications of extending health checks for babies to include a consultation about mothers’ wellbeing
Type: Publication
Family doctors should get support to meet all new mothers and ask about mental health, says new report
GPs should be supported and incentivised to meet all new mothers six weeks after their babies are born to ask them about their mental health
Type: News
Bringing mums’ minds from darkness to light: Sadia’s story
Dr. Sadia Shah on her journey through postnatal depression and the way it shaped her work with British South Asian mothers
Type: Blog
Depression after the birth of my son: Mark’s story
It took Mark years to get the mental health support he needed after his son’s traumatic birth
Type: Blog
Foster care and mental health
Our media ambassador Martin Barrow reflects on the mental health needs of children in foster care.
Type: Blog
Paternal OCD: Ashley’s story
Ash explains how paternal OCD manifested itself before and after the birth of his children
Type: Blog