Commission for Equality in Mental Health: Briefing 2
Why are groups that face higher levels of poor mental health experiencing the greatest difficulty in accessing services?
Type: Publication
Tackling mental health inequalities must be top priority for government, says Centre for Mental Health
Our response to the new Marmot Report on health inequalities
Type: News
‘You are here, you are visible’: mental health inequalities and community strengths
Louis reflects on hearing first-hand about what can promote good mental health in different communities across Manchester
Type: Blog
Government must tackle unequal risks of mental ill health, says Commission for Equality in Mental Health
Mental health inequalities are closely linked to wider injustices in society and more must be done to reduce these disparities.
Type: News
After the election: why mental health equality must be at the heart of the new Government’s agenda
Liz looks at what needs to happen to truly address inequalities in mental health in the new parliament
Type: Blog
Towards Mental Health Equality: the Mental Health Policy Group’s manifesto for the next Prime Minister
Centre for Mental Health is a member of the Mental Health Policy Group, a group of six organisations working together for better mental health policy in England. Today, we have published Towards Mental Health Equality: A Manifesto for the next Prime Minister. The document sets out our shared priorities for what we hope the next
Type: News
Are we over-medicalising poverty-related distress?
Felicity Thomas argues that some everyday stresses caused by poverty are increasingly being pathologised
Type: Blog
The use of mental health services for people with learning disabilities and autism
The Centre responds to recent evidence highlighting the damaging impact of institutional care for people with learning disabilities and autism
Type: News
Understanding inequalities in mental health
Tom looks at the way people’s circumstances shape their experience of mental health problems
Type: Blog
Designing systems for equality
Chair of the Commission for Equality in Mental Health, Liz Sayce, explains the work that’s going on and why they’re aiming to influence systems for equality
Type: Blog