My life in a nursing home in 2020

Written on 06/03/2021 12:00 am

Contribution by Anonymous

Christmas is over, usual sad/happy affair
2020 has started – and what a year!
Resolutions made to be forgotten later
Food, good, varied: for us they cater.
Then comes covid, so inconsiderate, unfair
No more visitors, loneliness to bear

My husband, partner, friend, tho often no there,
With words of comfort responds to my pain, my tear
Other residents, companions that matter
Pop by with a smile or a wave and a natter
Nurses, carers and staff give care night and day
Largely good, but they are human, hey hey

Varied activities help time pass by
Keeping minds and fingers busy and spry
Admiring our efforts gives us pleasure
And kind words give memories to treasure
The virus keeps visitors away as such
But phone calls allowed, stop it from hurting too much

Money and no shopping doesn’t worry us
Others do the worrying; so why make a fuss?
We have photos, important to keep us aware
Of those far away, we smile at the memories and suppress the care
Yeah, we are into December, the yearly nearly done
So welcome the vaccine. Have a good 2021

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