Commissioning to transform day and vocational services
Helen Lockett, Linda Seymour & Adam Pozner
12 June 2008
About Time sets out how day and vocational services can make radical changes to offer people the support they need to build the lives they want to live. It is based on experience in two counties in England.
About Time is the first step-by-step guide that shows how primary care trusts and county council commissioners can turn their services around by finding out what their users want, drawing on the available evidence of what works and building new forms of support. It shows that involving service users from the start of a process of radical change is crucial to its success.
Audience: Commissioners and practitioners in employment and mental health services.
The report is free to download below.
There are also tools for use with the About Time guide, available for free below. There are blank copies of the resources in Appendix 1 of the guide with a spreadsheet to help you compare investment and population.
We have prepared re-usable versions of the resources from the guide as well as four additional resources which can also be downloaded below.